How can you describe your faith without listing the things you aren’t?

Writing on her blog, Maggie Nancarrow explores the challenge that some politically progressive Christians have in defining their faith. She describes the negative definition (“I’m a Christian but not the type of Christian that x….“) as a trap which helps define one type of Christianity as the ‘default’ or ‘normal’, before invoking new Presiding Bishop Michael Curry and his references to the ‘Jesus movement’.

From the blog:

And “War on Christmas” Christianity is not normative–it is not the true Jesus movement, it is not our religion. The way of truth and life, the way of resurrection and restoration and reconciliation, THAT is our religion. Let’s start talking about ourselves as if that’s true.

Nancarrow shares a ‘top ten list’ of ways to define your Christianity around your positive values, instead of oppositional values. Have you used any of these? Do you have others to add to her list?

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