How to help in Lexington

Recent storms in Kentucky have necessitated a financial mechanism for relief aid, the Diocese of Lexington has announced.

The Diocese of Lexington is establishing a Diocese of Lexington Tornado Relief Fund and welcomes contributions. The purpose of this fund is not to duplicate the work of the Red Cross, Kentucky Cares, insurance companies or other agencies, but is intended to fill the gaps as needed to restore people’s lives to full functioning.

Checks may be mailed to the Diocese of Lexington, P.O. Box 610, Lexington, KY 40588-0610 and designated ‘Eastern Kentucky Tornado Relief.’ Additionally, gifts may be made via credit card online by visiting and selecting ‘Eastern KY Tornado Relief’ as the designated fund.

In order to fully assess the needs for assistance, we are asking each congregation to immediately appoint a contact person or persons who will be responsible for seeking information on local needs –- from damage sustained by individuals both within and without the church, to deaths, injuries and losses among family members and neighbors and reporting the needs in each case to as quickly as possible. We ask that the names and preferred contact information of the congregational point persons (e-mail and preferred telephone number) be sent to the above e-mail as quickly as possibly, in order to facilitate communication and response to needs.

Please continue to check our web site for updates.

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