An opinion piece at Christian Today asks why we put up with less than the best when it comes to church, asking the question, “Why is church coffee so often bad?”
How’s the coffee at your church?
Are we able to pursue excellence in all that we do at church?
Why is church coffee so often bad?
The church’s problem is not a lack of resources but rather a casual attitude to church life that accepts second best as good enough for God, says J John.
From Christian Today
Not all church coffee is bad, but the issue that poor church coffee raises is deeper and more troubling. It is that much of what we do as churches can often be described as substandard, second best, mediocre or weak.
We’ve all come across signs of slackness in church life: heating systems so dilapidated that the congregation keep their gloves on in winter, PA systems held together by insulating tape and notice boards still advertising Christmas services in February; ministers who are underpaid, live in crumbling, damp houses and drive cars that barely pass their MOTs; music groups that don’t know how many verses to play and church websites that crash when you click on them.
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What I’m concerned about is a casual attitude to church life that accepts second best as good enough for God. This can happen in any church but is particularly troubling in churches with wealthy members who seek quality and excellence in every other area of their lives.
Why do we have a quality problem?