RELIGIOUS UTTERANCES – art of faith introduces the reader to humanities’ historic relationship between art and faith. This daily series of articles examines the interlacing of art and faith from across the Anglican Communion. The title of the series, Religious Utterances, comes from systematic theologian Dr. Cecilia Gonzalez-Andrieu, whose work seeks “a recovery of humanities’ religious utterances through art.”
Two in a series:Imagining Christ
May 6 – July 27, 2008 at the Getty Center, Los Angeles
Theme: Formation
From the exhibition’s website:
“This exhibition features images of Christ in illuminated manuscripts of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. The images show the multiple ways in which Christ was understood: as the son of God and as God, as human and divine, as the sacrifice made for mankind, and as the divine judge who would save or condemn humanity at the end of time.
“The images in the exhibition, primarily from western European manuscripts, demonstrate how medieval and Renaissance faithful sought to participate in Christ’s suffering and salvation through art and prayer.”
The exhibition has three parts: Invoking Christ in Word and Ritual, Demonstrating Christ’s Divinity, and Experiencing Christ’s humanity. Visitors to this interactive web feature can view close-ups of several illuminated manuscript pages. They can also listen to audio that addresses the importance of images of Christ’s wounds in medieval religious devotion, the miraculous mass of St Gregory and the making of a gold and silver plated copper statue of Christ in Majesty.
Imagining Christ is curated by Kristen Collins, associate curator in the Department of Manuscripts at the J. Paul Getty Museum.
On View: Transfiguratio Domini (The Transfiguration of Christ), by Fra Angelico. 1387 or 1395. In the collection of the Museo San Marco, Florence, Italy. Image source: The Yorck Project. The work of art depicted in this image and the reproduction thereof are in the public domain worldwide. The reproduction is part of a collection of reproductions compiled by The Yorck Project. The compilation copyright is held by Zenodot Verlagsgesellschaft mbH and licensed under the GNU Free Documentation License.