In Springfield, a glimpse into the episcopal election cycle

The Diocese of Springfield has listed

the names of the priests (with ages at time of Nominating Synod, position title, church or institution and diocese of canonical residency) for the Nominating Synod, who have submitted the requested information on or before Thursday, May 13, 2010, the Feast of the Ascension, the date specified for such submissions.

It’s an interesting moment in the process in which to pull back the sheet, as the number of people remains high, and these are listed as those having successfully submitted the information required – not as nominees. The distinction could, in some cases, prove crucial for how these priests’ current congregations envision and support them.

Perhaps the publication of the current slate is intended to produce confidence in the names available at this point; a March communiqué indicated that there wouldn’t be floor nominations at either the Nominating Synod or the Electing Synod.

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