In the Name of God: War, Religion, and the Reliquaries of Al Farrow
A relic is something, like a cloak or a lock of hair, that remains after a person or event has passed. A reliquary is the container that holds the relic. In the Roman and Eastern Orthodox ecclesiastical traditions, relics are usually a part of the body of a saint or martyr, or a piece of their clothing. The use of relics is found in traditions other than Christianity. Buddhist history maintains that relics of the Buddha’s bones were distributed soon after his death, and archaeological evidence appears to confirm this. As far as I know, relics do not have a central role in Protestant life. But I know that, for me, they function as portals of remembrance. And I find the entire concept helpful in times like these.
Take for example the work of artist Al Farrow. Farrow’s current body of work continues to appropriate and reinterpret the traditional iconography of Jewish, Christian, and Islamic religious institutions and beliefs, and their historic links to complex political, cultural, and military issues and events. His “Skull Fragment of Santa Guerra” (seen above) questions the values of a society that would make war with the living and venerate the dead bones of the past. To make his art, Farrow uses deconstructed gun components, bullets, steel shot, bone fragments and wood. He mixes them with rosaries, crucifixes and other religious symbols and creates sanctuary-like settings. At first glance, Farrow’s constructions appear to be beautifully crafted scale models of European cathedrals and temples, even though they are not historically identifiable. Looking more closely, I find myself remembering my history, and the man-made events that fill its pages.
Prayer for Veterans Day
We ask for blessings on all those who have served their country in the armed forces.
We ask for healing for the veterans who have been wounded, in body and soul, in conflicts around the globe.
We pray especially for the young men and women, in the thousands, who are coming home from Iraq with injured bodies and traumatized spirits.
Bring solace to them, O Lord; may we pray for them when they cannot pray.
We ask for an end to wars and the dawning of a new era of peace,
As a way to honor all the veterans of past wars.
Have mercy on all our veterans from World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Iraq,
Bring peace to their hearts and peace to the regions they fought in.
Bless all the soldiers who served in non-combative posts;
May their calling to service continue in their lives in many positive ways.
Give us all the creative vision to see a world which, grown weary with fighting,
Moves to affirming the life of every human being and so moves beyond war.
Hear our prayer, O Prince of Peace, hear our prayer.
~adapted from the Prayers of the Springfield Franciscans
On View: Skull Fragment of Santa Guerra, by Al Farrow. Wood, Tin Nicho, Glass, Bullets, Bone, Rosary. 16h X 12w X 4d, 1996
On Exhibition: November 8 2008 – February 15 2009, Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco. More>