Teo Bishop writes of his spiritual journey as a pagan who now feels called back to the Episcopal Church of his earlier life and to Christ. From Huffington Post:
Samhain is a time to let go of the things that no longer serve us. It’s a moment when we look back on the year, perhaps even the over-arching patterns of our lives, and we reevaluate. We ask ourselves what needs to be burned in the fire in order for us to move forward with a clean conscience and a clear mind. Then, often quite literally, we write that thing down on a slip of paper and we set it ablaze.
This year at Samhain I’m coming to terms with the realization that Paganism, itself, does not serve me in the way that I thought it did. Stranger even, I’m feeling pulled back to the Episcopal Church, to the God of Christianity, and to Jesus.
The timing of this couldn’t be more disruptive and inconvenient.
Originally published at The Wild Hunt