From The Episcopal Church Office of Public Affairs (the press release can be found online here):
Save the date: International Black Clergy Conference in November
[June 15, 2016] Save the date for an important upcoming conference and educational event, the International Black Clergy Conference, scheduled for Wednesday, November 16 to Saturday, November 19 in Houston, TX.
The theme of the event is “The Jesus Movement: Embracing Our Call.”
The pre-conference begins on Tuesday, November 15 with meetings of affinity groups: clergy ordained five years or less; deacons; retired clergy; diocesan leadership staff; New Visions Team; and clergy serving in multicultural and/or white congregations.
On Wednesday, the conference keynote address will be presented by Episcopal Church Presiding Bishop and Primate Michael Curry on “Embracing the Call.”
Indaba style conversations throughout the conference will include the following:
- Thursday, November 17: New Visions Movement: Ministries & Models for Congregational Renewal and Vitality
- Friday, November 18: The Jesus Movement: Conversation on Race and Reconciliation
- Saturday, November 19: The Jesus Movement: Call to Action
Saturday’s program will also feature a live webcast from Evangelism Matters, the Episcopal Church Evangelism Conference November 18-19 in Dallas, TX. For info see here.
In addition to priests and deacons from The Episcopal Church, the International Black Clergy Conference will welcome participants from the Anglican Church of Canada as well as Anglicans and Episcopalians from the Province of the West Indies and throughout the United Kingdom.
Registration information is available here.
These clergy conferences continue to be important events in the church, gathering clergy for conversations on various topics that include congregational life, clergy wellness and networks in support of one another. The conferences have traditionally included bishops, who are available for consultation. Also, the Episcopal Church Office of Transition Ministry will be present for counseling on discernment and ministry opportunities.
For more information contact the Rev. Angela Ifill, Episcopal Church Missioner for Black Ministries,; or Angeline Cabanban, Associate for Diversity and Ethnic Ministries,