Ireland in favor of marriage equality

The Constitutional Convention held in Ireland has voted 79% in favor of marriage equality according to Inside Ireland:

The Convention on the Constitution met over two days at the weekend to report recommendations to the Houses of the Oireachtas on constitutional provision for same-sex marriage.

The Convention decided to recommend that the Constitution be changed to allow for civil marriage for same-sex couples by:

? Yes – 79%

? No – 19%

? No opinion – 1%

The Government said it would decide on whether to accept the recommendation after an Oireachtas debate on the Convention’s reports later this year.

From the Irish Times:

“It is a major milestone on the remarkable journey to full constitutional protection for lesbian and gay people and families in Ireland,” said GLEN (Gay and Lesbian Equality Network) director Brian Sheehan. “It builds on the extraordinary progress we have achieved over the last 20 years, and clearly demonstrates that Ireland is ready to take the next step to complete that remarkable journey.”

The Irish Catholic Bishops Conference was one of three groups that gave presentations arguing against same-sex marriage.

Commenting on the outcome today, a spokesman for the Catholic Communications Office said: “While the result of the constitutional convention is disappointing, only the people of Ireland can amend the constitution. The Catholic church will continue to promote and seek protection for the uniqueness of marriage between a woman and a man, the nature of which best serves children and our society.”

More about the nature of the Convention on the Constitution here.

Press release is here.

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