Is liberal Anglicanism finished?

Theo Hobson thinks so. Look into his crystal ball and see if you agree.

This year Anglicanism will define itself with new clarity – the once-a-decade Lambeth conference will confirm the anti-liberal mood of the last five years. The humiliation of liberal Anglicanism will be complete. Its demand for equality for homosexuals has been thrown out in the most decisive possible way.

I think it’s time to admit that the tradition of liberal Anglicanism is finished. Those Anglicans who carry on calling for an “inclusive church” are relics of a previous era. They should face the fact that the religious landscape has changed utterly. Liberal Anglicanism has become oxymoronic. For the first time this church has defined itself in opposition to liberalism, taking a decisively reactionary stance on a crucial moral issue.

It says here he is jumping the gun. But read it all.

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