Is plastic surgery unethical?

Rabbi David Krishef initiates another Ethics and Religion Talk in mLive in response to a questioner who asks, “I am considering cosmetic surgery to remove wrinkles, but I know some people believe that it is not ethical. What do you think?”


Krishef, in his weekly post, invites local Grand Rapids faith leaders to weigh in. Most of the responders (including Episcopal priest Nurya Love Parish) focused on the reasons behind the elective surgery as to determining the ethical value.

Krishef included these words:

“I hesitate to label any elective surgical procedure as unethical. At the same time, Judaism advises us to treat the body as a gift from God. Our society has an unhealthy obsession with the vigor of youth. Rather than treating the signs of aging as a sign of weakness and infirmity, better that we should treat crow’s feet and laugh lines and sagging cheeks as signs of experience and wisdom.”

What are your thoughts?

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