Is President Obama a “pro-life hero”?

An intriguing argument from Eric C. Miller at Religion Dispatches: Barack Obama Pro-life hero.

The deck beneath that headline reads: “Yes, really”, so you know the author is not expecting to be taken at his word. But here is the argument:

On October 3rd researchers at the Washington University School of Medicine published a study with profound implications for policymaking in the United States. According to Dr. Jeffery Peipert, the study’s lead author, abortion rates can be expected to decline significantly—perhaps up to 75 percent—when contraceptives are made available to women free of charge. Declaring himself “very surprised” at the results, Peipert requested expedient publication of the study, noting its relevance to the upcoming election.

As most observers surely know, the Affordable Care Act (aka “Obamacare”) requires insurance coverage for birth control, a provision staunchly opposed by most of the same religious conservatives who oppose legalized abortion. If Peipert is correct, however, the ACA may prove the single most effective piece of “pro-life” legislation in the past forty years.

Read the whole thing, then give us your take in the comments.

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