It is good to be alive

Daily Reading for November 25 • Thanksgiving Day

O God, it is good to be alive,

and numbered with the people

whom thou has made:

and I thank thee for thy gift of life.

O God, it is good to have the power of thought,

and to seek and learn and know:

and I thank thee for thy gift of mind.

O God, it is good to dwell beneath the sun

in the world which is thy handiwork:

and I thank thee for earth’s beauty,

and thy rule within its laws.

O God, it is good to come to each new day,

and to find the passing years

a cure for wounds innumerable,

and I thank thee for the ministries of time.

O God, it is good to count in word and deed

for ends beyond our own:

and I thank thee for thy use of me

if I have been of any service to thy purposes.

O God, it is good to rejoice and to be glad,

and I thank thee for each person,

for each experience of life,

that has brought me happiness.

O God, it is good to feel the disciplines

that school the spirit,

and I thank thee for the trials and troubles

which have wrought in me some hardihood of soul.

O God, it is good to have thine everlasting arms beneath us,

and I thank thee now for all thy mercies,

both temporal and spiritual,

those I have known, those I have not recognized,

wherewith thou has upheld me

in thy wisdom, power, and love.

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow;

Praise him, all creatures here below;

Praise him above, ye heav’nly host:

Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

“An Act of Thanksgiving to God for Great Blessings” by Miles Lowell Yates, quoted in Give Us Grace: An Anthology of Anglican Prayers, compiled by Christopher L. Webber. Copyright © 2004. Used by permission of Morehouse Publishing, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.

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