Prepackaged curricula for summertime Vacation Bible School have been around for awhile. Has your church assessed the costs and benefits of VBS-in-a-box? The Clarion Ledger reports:
The Bible, which was the only book some churches used during VBS back then, since has been replaced with prepackaged materials manufactured by church supply companies, which include step-by-step curriculums, CDs, recreation and games supplies and ideas, decorations, promotional materials, souvenirs and ready-to-make crafts. Everything in the package revolves around a theme. In [one church’s] case, the theme was “Game Day Central: Where Heroes Are Made,” developed by LifeWay Christian Resources, which has more than 100 stores nationwide.
Isabella Evans, assimilation and outreach coordinator for New Hope Baptist Church in Jackson, said churches are following other VBS trends, which include holding adult VBS, community outreach VBS and afternoon or night VBS to accommodate working mothers who wish to volunteer.
But some churches have reverted to the old-style methods of VBS after trying prepackaged materials.
Sarah Buffington, VBS chairwoman for St. Andrew’s Episcopal Cathedral in Jackson, said planners there felt the children were having fun but were missing out on Bible history….
Read it all, here.