Jake Dell talks about marketing your church

Episcopal Church Center Newsletter for July-September 2011 interviews Jake Dell, the new senior manager of digital marketing and advertising in the Episcopal Church’s Office of Communication:

“The tools exist, and the knowledge is out there to spread our message effectively,” said Jake Dell, the new senior manager of digital marketing and advertising in the Episcopal Church’s Office of Communication. “The marketing and advertising world know how to do this, and it’s there for the church’s taking. I have a lot of faith in the idea that marketing can grow mission and congregations and program work. And if we can become more intentional about the positioning and the telling of our story, if we can hook the unchurched with those stories and draw them into a relationship with the church, I’m confident we can grow.”

Dell is in a unique position to help the church grow by using the best practices from marketing and advertising, because he has a foot in both worlds. His professional background is in new media marketing and advertising, and he is also an ordained Episcopal deacon.

“I’m a transitional deacon,” explained Dell, who graduated from Nashotah House Theological Seminary in 2010, “but the balance of my professional background has been in information technology and marketing.” When he saw the advertisement for a new media marketing position at the Episcopal Church Center, he thought it seemed “aligned with my vocation and my sense of self in terms of how I feel called to work and serve in this world and work and serve in the church. And it brings together everything I’ve learned, both in seminary and in the world of advertising and marketing. So here I am!”

Dell’s blog is here.

Read more here.

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