Jean Vanier to speak to Primates

From Primates 2016:

Vanier, 86, is a Roman Catholic philosopher and social innovator who founded the L’Arche Communities – where people with and without learning disabilities share life together, living and working in community – in 1964.

The movement began with Vanier’s own commitment to living in community with people who have learning disabilities in Trosly-Breuil, France, where he still lives.

Archbishop Justin … “Every time one meets Jean, one has a sense of new horizons opening up, of a new vision opening before one’s eyes of what it is to be human and of what it is to be in a community.” …

“I give thanks that the Spirit of God is using Jean Vanier’s life and ministry so powerfully to challenge those inside and outside the church to think about how they relate to those around them.”


Jean Vanier speaks on The Big Questions:




By Photo by Kotukaran, cropped by Gabriel Sozzi [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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