Jefferts Schori, Welby & Episcopal schoolgirls join outcry over Nigerian kidnapping

The Archbishop of Canterbury and the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church are among those speaking out against the abduction of Nigerian schoolgirls by the terrorist group Boko Haram. Archbishop Justin Welby issued this statement:

“This is an atrocious and inexcusable act and my prayers and thoughts go out to the young people and their families at this upsetting time. I appeal to those who have taken these schoolgirls to release them immediately and unharmed. This is in a part of Nigeria I have visited and in a country whose people are close to my heart. Let your hearts be open in compassion and mercy to those who have suffered so much.”

And from the Most Rev. Katharine Jefferts Schori:

The Episcopal Church is horrified at the violence perpetrated against innocent schoolgirls in Nigeria, and the willingness of those who should be addressing this to look the other way. The unfortunate truth is that girls and women are still deemed dispensable in much of the world, or at least of lesser value than members of the other sex. The necessary response is education – of girls and boys, in equal numbers and to an equal degree, that all might take their rightful place in societies that serve all their citizens with equal respect and dignity. I pray that all Episcopalians, and all people of faith and good will, will pray and plead with their political leaders to find the kidnappers, liberate these girls, and restore them to the safety they deserve. May God have mercy on us all.

In Memphis, Tenn., students at St. Mary’s Episcopal School are rallying in support of the kidnapped schoolgirls. From the school newspaper:

It has been nearly four weeks since Boko Haram, an Islamic extremist group, kidnapped almost 300 schoolgirls in Nigeria. What should we do now to help our sisters?

Connect: Sign the following petition to show your support and help give a voice to every Nigerian schoolgirl that was kidnapped:

Show: Bring awareness to this situation by making your “I Am A Nigerian Schoolgirl” picture your profile picture on all social medias, or use the red Bring Back Our Girls poster. Be sure to use the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls to spread the message.

Share: Donating helps. You can help girls’ schools in the same region in Nigeria by donating to

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