Jerry Lamb to be Provisional Bishop of San Joaquin

Episcopal Life is reporting that Bishop Jerry A. Lamb, retired bishop of Northern California and most recently interim bishop of Nevada, has been recommended by Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori to serve as provisional bishop of the Central California Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin. Lamb can begin work in this capacity after ratification by the diocese’s convention, set to meet March 29 in Lodi, California.

Lamb is prepared to visit the San Joaquin diocese in mid-March, and to attend the March 29 convention.

Looking ahead to the possibility of his service in San Joaquin, Lamb told ENS that he sees his role as bringing “support for the leadership already there, offering direction, and helping to renew those in the area who remain part of the Episcopal Church.

“I’m really excited and very much humbled by the opportunity of being with that group of folks who are seeking a way to remain faithful to the Episcopal Church, and working to continue the life of the Episcopal Diocese of San Joaquin.”

Lamb said this work represents “a wonderful opportunity to rebuild, though I am so sorry it’s come about in the way it has.”

Lamb said he looks forward to working closely with the steering committee appointed for the diocese by the Presiding Bishop, and with local groups including Remain Episcopal and new faith communities.

Read it all here. The presiding bishop will open the March 29th convention.

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