‘Jesus is commander-in-chief’ billboard protests in advance of President Obama’s visit to Air Force Academy

The Air Force Times reports that a billboard reading “Welcome Mr. President To Our AF Academy. Why is Jesus Commander In Chief Here?” has been raised in Colorado Springs in advance of President Obama’s commencement visit to the U.S. Air Force Academy.  The billboard is part of a media campaign sponsored by the Military Religious Freedom Foundation, which is also running over 1,300 15-second TV ads in the Colorado Springs area. An aerial banner is also planned.

Mikey Weinstein, president and founder of MRFF, is a vocal critic of the academy for promoting Christianity.

In a statement, Weinstein wrote “The United States Air Force Academy’s adhering to the constitutionally guaranteed right of separation of church and state in the U.S. military is a train wreck.”

“The Military Religious Freedom Foundation has been in literally countless fights with USAFA since February of 2004. MRFF currently represents 414 cadets, faculty and staff at USAFA, of which 372 are Protestant or Roman Catholic.”

The Air Force has recently come under fire from MRFF at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton, Ohio for including a Bible in a display honoring prisoners of war and service members missing in action.


Photo: MRFF

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