Jeweler has Second Coming Sale

Suppose it had to happen in America at some point, and we’d be a little surprised if it hasn’t already, but one jeweler has found an eschatological marketing niche.

Larry Falter, owner of Superior’s LTD Jewelers, hit upon a novel idea for his latest TV commercial — blending a storewide sale with his belief that the second coming of Jesus is near.

After opening with the trumpeting of horns and a glimpse of a land assailed by fire and lighting, the 30-second ad shows Falter in his store, stating his belief that as he reads the news “we are really close” to the Day of the Lord and the return of Jesus Christ to Jerusalem.

“Nonetheless, here and now, if you want jewelry, I have access to millions,” he then says. And it’s all on sale at 50 percent off during his Second Coming sale.

Some things require almost nothing in the way of commentary.

See the commercial at the link above.

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