Sarah Posner at Religion Dispatches reports that Jim Wallis of Sojourners has sort of jumped on the marriage equality bandwagon:
Two years ago this Mother’s Day, Sojourners refused to run an ad produced the group Believe Out Loud, “a trans-denominational effort to promote LGBT equality in mainline Protestant congregations, focused on Mother’s Day to launch its new campaign to invite one million believers to ‘sign up’ for full LGBT equality in our churches and society-at-large.” The reaction from progressive Christians was swift and deafening. “The big tent collapsed this weekend,” wrote Episcopalian and LGBT equality activist Jim Naughton [our Jim, ed.], “and it was Sojourners who yanked out the tent poles. Someone needs to alert official Washington that Jim Wallis and his minions no longer speak for us—if they ever did.”
The following year, Wallis took a sabbatical, and now he’s back—
Wallis doesn’t come right out and say he supports marriage equality, but embarks on a Heritage Foundation-inflected lecture about “recovenanting, reestablishing, renewing marriage.” He then adds, “I think we should include same-sex couples in that renewal of marriage.” What?
Read it all here.
h/t to Susan Russell