Justice Dept. files suit against town for blocking Islamic center

145px-Allah1_no_honorific.pngThe US Justice Department has filed a suit against the town of St Anthony, Minnesota for violating the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act passed by Congress in 2000. Minneapolis Star-Tribune reports:

The federal government on Wednesday sued the small north-metro city of St. Anthony, contending that its City Council violated federal law in 2012 by rejecting a proposed Islamic center. The lawsuit sprang from a controversy that echoes those that have flared in many U.S. cities when Muslims have sought to establish worship centers.

“An injustice has been done,” U.S. Attorney Andrew Luger said at a news conference in Minneapolis. “I will not stand by while any religious group is subject to unconstitutional treatment that violates federal civil rights laws.”

The lawsuit alleges that the council’s decision to deny the Abu Huraira Islamic Center the right to establish a worship center in the basement of the St. Anthony Business Center violates the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act passed by Congress in 2000.

Allah1 no honorific” by User:Ibrahim ebihttps://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Allah1.png. Via Wikipedia.

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