KJS: “The subject has not come up”

ENS reports on the November 24-26 meeting of the Joint Standing Committee of the Primates and Anglican Consultative Council (ACC). Read the second paragraph:

Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori was among those attending the JSC meeting, which was held behind closed doors at the Anglican Communion Office and Lambeth Palace in London. She noted that a November 26 report in The Times of London newspaper, that suggested the JSC had discussed plans to discipline the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone for its recent incursions into other provinces, was untrue. “The subject has not come up,” she told Episcopal News Service.

The diversion produced The Times story distracts from what the JSC did do:

The Rev. Canon Gregory Cameron, deputy secretary general of the Anglican Communion, addressed the committee on what he expects in the next version of the [Anglican] covenant. “The first two sections will be relatively unchanged,” said Jefferts Schori, “but he’s expecting some significant changes in the third section and an almost completely new [appendix].”


JSC members spent some time reflecting on the Lambeth Conference and reviewing its indaba process — a Zulu work meaning “purposeful discussion” — that formed the basis for groups of around 40 bishops that met each day during last summer’s gathering.

Jefferts Schori said committee members discussed ways the ACC could use the indaba process and “the discoveries of how Lambeth worked in terms of ensuring that all voices are heard.”

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