The Church Times wins this Friday’s award for “Best Headline of the Week” with a report on the stewardship debate at the recently concluded Church of England Synod. The article headline? “Stewardship: Let’s talk about wallets, not willies.”
The report from the Church of England discussion demonstrates a number of points where the Episcopal Church and the Church of England are on the same page. Neither Anglican province is satisfied with the job they do teaching stewardship. Both are trying to move people to the tithe given as a joyful response to God’s love.
From the Church Times report on the debate on specific stewardship resolutions:
“The debate ran out of time and was adjourned. When it was resumed on Saturday afternoon, Canon Simon Butler (Southwark) said that the Church in the United States ‘does stewardship much better than we do’. Clergy in the Church of England needed to be able to speak about their own attitude towards money and giving. ‘We spend a lot of time in Synod talking about what people do with their willies. We could spend more time discussing what they do with their wallets.’ He could not recall that he had had any in struc tion during ordination training about the clergy and money. But ‘giving is mission. Giving is ministry.’
Clive Scowen moved his amend ment that included children and young people among those church mem bers who were being encour aged to be generous.
The Revd Rose Hudson-Wilkin (London) spoke of a pensioner living in London, with an adult child at home and four grandchildren, who every Sunday put £12 on the plate. The clergy must not steer away from the issue of stewardship: it was a response to God’s love.
Mr Scowen’s first amendment was carried, and he moved his second amendment, about grace, not duty.”
Read the full article here.
General Convention passed a resolution on tithing as well though it wasn’t well reported on in the midst of much more controversial subjects. Special thanks to Deputy Ted Mollegen for putting it online where others can sign onto it as so many deputies did during Convention.