Legislative Aides wanted for General Convention

As part of our series leading up to General Convention 2015, The Office of General Convention is asking people to apply to be Legislative Aides at General Convention in Salt Lake City. Those who are selected will pay their own expenses and be expected to be in Salt Lake City, UT, June 23 to July 3rd, 2015. Legislative Aides will be appointed through a new open application process.

From the press release:

At each General Convention of The Episcopal Church, legislative aides serve the House of Deputies by working closely with the officers of legislative committees to help legislation move through convention efficiently and smoothly. For General Convention 2015, legislative aides will be appointed through a new open application process.

Both alternate deputies and volunteers who will attend General Convention at their own expense are eligible to apply to be legislative aides. The application is available online(link is external) through March 31.

“These volunteers provide a significant service to the House,” said the Rev. Gay Clark Jennings, president of the House of Deputies, in announcing the open application process. “I am grateful to the Rev. Paul Burrows, who will be returning for his eighth General Convention as a legislative aide, for agreeing to chair this important committee. I am also pleased that, for the first time, we can offer people from across the church the chance to apply.”

“Because all of the legislative work at this General Convention will be done electronically, I hope that volunteers who are especially comfortable with technology will apply.”

The responsibilities of legislative aides include:

  • Attend the Orientation of Committee Officers and Legislative Aides to be held in Salt Lake City June 23, 2015 from 2 to 5 pm.
  • Attend meetings of the House of Deputies Legislative Aides Committee chaired by the Rev. Paul Burrows, and work under his supervision and guidance.
  • Assist with the work of the committee at the direction of committee officers, especially the chairs and secretaries.
  • Coordinate with Committee on Dispatch of Business liaison assigned to the committee.
  • Obtain legislative process information from the Secretariat.
  • Assist with arrangements for committee meetings and hearings.
  • Manage the logistics of hearings including witness registration and room set-up; for especially large hearings, arrange a suitable venue through the Secretariat and be available to the committee chair throughout the hearing.
  • Maintain neutrality in regard to resolutions being considered by the committee.

People interested in serving as legislative aides can apply online(link is external) by March 31.



Posted by Ann Fontaine

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