RELIGIOUS UTTERANCES – art of faith introduces the reader to humanity’s historic relationship between art and faith. This daily series of articles examines the interlacing of art and faith from across the Anglican Communion. The title of the series, Religious Utterances, comes from systematic theologian Dr. Cecilia Gonzalez-Andrieu, whose work seeks “a recovery of humanity’s religious utterances through art.”
Thirteen in a series
Leonardo for a Laptop Generation
Theme: Re-examination
Peter Greenaway and Leonardo DaVinci’s Last Supper
“On the occasion of Saloni 2008, Peter Greenaway gives new life to the world’s most celebrated masterpiece “The Last Supper” by Leonardo Da Vinci, merging an extraordinary wealth of languages including visual arts, cinema, poetry, music and some of the most cutting-edge new technologies.
“Leonardo’s masterpiece “The Last Supper” has survived both the fast natural aging process caused by experimental painting techniques conceived by the artist and the many attempts to restore its initial aspect, as well as having outlasted bombings during World War II. The Biblical scene will come to new life under the spectator’s eyes thanks to live projections of images and light bouncing on the very painted surface, accompanied by a soundscape of voices, music and noises. The performance will take place in the Refectory of the Dominican Friary in Santa Maria delle Grazie Church: on the very wall of the refectory, Leonardo portrayed the moment when Christ announces one of the apostle will betray him, causing disruption and dismay among them.”
A video is available here at the Guardian Daily website.
You can visit the installation until September 7, 2008, at Santa Maria delle Grazie Church in Milan, Italy. The audience takes turns in groups of twenty-five people at a time, because of the fragile conditions of the painting. The event will loop many times during the evening, outside the normal opening hours.
To offer the same experience to a wider audience, thanks to a groundbreaking combination of sophisticated technology and craftsmanship, a perfect copy of the painting will be realized, a “clone” of the same size and scale, featuring the same exact characteristics and surface texture of the original, which will be on show in the Sala delle Cariatidi in Palazzo Reale during the week of Saloni. The project makes use of the most cutting-edge technologies ever applied to Leonardo’s fresco, thanks to an international team of collaborators coordinated by Change Performing Arts.
Source: Peter Greenaway
On View: Atmosphere – Peter Greenaway and Change Performing Arts Presents a Multimedia Event Based on Leonardo Da Vinci’s Painting “The Last Supper” at Saloni 2008 in Milan – Saloni 2008 – Milan, Italy © Insidefoto / PR Photos. See more photos here>