Letter from President of the House of Deputies Bonnie Anderson

President of the House of Deputies Bonnie Anderson writes to Deputies and First Alternates about their continuing responsibility to serve and requests comments on the Ridley-Cambridge of the Covenant by September 1.

In my closing remarks to the House of Deputies, I reminded the House that our responsibilities as deputies continue after we return to our dioceses. There are ALWAYS deputies in the Episcopal Church. We are deputies until we are either re-elected, in which case we continue as deputies, or other deputies are elected to take our place. As deputies we have responsibilities to our diocese and to the larger Episcopal Church throughout the triennium.

I am again requesting that deputies and alternates review the Ridley-Cambridge Draft of the Anglican Covenant and send comments on the draft to by September 1 to:

Executive Council Task Force on the Anglican Covenant

The General Convention Office

815 Second Ave.

New York, NY 10017

Or by electronic mail to: Marion Conboy

Complete letter below:

August 11, 2009

Dear Deputies and First Alternates,

It was my sincere pleasure to serve with you in the House of Deputies at the 76th General Convention. We came together prepared and ready to do the work before us. We treated each other with respect and generosity of spirit. For me, there were many times when I felt the Holy Spirit moving among us. I hope that was true for you also.

In my closing remarks to the House of Deputies, I reminded the House that our responsibilities as deputies continue after we return to our dioceses. There are ALWAYS deputies in the Episcopal Church. We are deputies until we are either re-elected, in which case we continue as deputies, or other deputies are elected to take our place. As deputies we have responsibilities to our diocese and to the larger Episcopal Church throughout the triennium.

During the triennium I will keep in touch with deputies and first alternates via this communication tool. I will also continue to use the deputy online forum to assist deputies and first alternates in sharing information on specific topics.

Comments on the Ridley-Cambridge Draft of the Anglican Covenant due September 1:

Prior to General Convention (June 29) a letter was sent to deputies and bishops requesting the review of the most recent draft of the Anglican Covenant (known as the Ridley-Cambridge draft).

The General Convention has reaffirmed our commitment to participate in the development of the covenant.

I am again requesting that deputies and alternates review the Ridley-Cambridge Draft of the Anglican Covenant and send comments on the draft to by September 1 to:

Executive Council Task Force on the Anglican Covenant

The General Convention Office

815 Second Ave.

New York, NY 10017

Or by electronic mail to: mconboy@episcopalchurch.org

At it’s meeting October 5-8, 2009, Executive Council will compile the statements received into The Episcopal Church’s response to the Ridley-Cambridge Draft.

Resources for Deputations:

One of the responsibilities of deputies after General Convention, is reporting to their dioceses about the actions of General Convention. Some deputations have compiled comprehensive reports. If you are willing to share your 76th General Convention Deputation Reports with other deputations, please send them to PHOD. They will be posted on my website on the For and About Deputies page.

On PHoD website you will also find:

General Convention PHOD Opening Remarks,

PHoD Sermon July 10 Eucharist, and

General Convention PHOD Closing Remarks posted here.

In Peace,


Bonnie Anderson, D.D., President

The House of Deputies

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