Liberty University students release statement opposing Trump

“Associating any politician with Christianity is damaging to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But Donald Trump is not just any politician. He has made his name maligning others and bragging about his sins. Not only is Donald Trump a bad candidate for president, he is actively promoting the very things that we as Christians ought to oppose.”

The above text is from “Liberty United Against Trump,” a statement signed by more than 200 students at the conservative Christian Liberty University, as reported by the Richmond Times-Dispatch.

The statement criticizes university president Jerry Falwell, Jr. for supporting the Republican presidential candidate, including stumping in Iowa, appearing on CNN and speaking at the Republic National Convention. Falwell’s response:

Falwell said a statement Wednesday night that he is “proud of these few students for speaking their minds, but I am afraid the statement is incoherent and false.”

He said he is not “touring the country” as it says and is not associating Liberty with any candidate.

“I am only fulfilling my obligation as a citizen to ‘render unto Caesar the things that are Ceasar’s’ by expressing my personal opinion about who I believe is best suited to lead our nation in a time of crisis,” Falwell said in text message Wednesday night. “This student statement seems to ignore the teachings of Jesus not to judge others but they are young and still learning.”

Student Tyler McNally’s tweet, below, has had more than 6,500 retweets so far.


Top image from Liberty University website.

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