Liturgy for blessing of same sex couples begins use

Episcopal News Service has the news on the first days of use of the liturgy for blessing same-sex couples’ relationships:

In the final debate before General Convention approved a provisional church liturgy to bless the lifelong relationships of same-gender couples, Episcopal Diocese of Chicago Deputy Ian Hallas, 22, spoke about his sister, Louisa, and her civil union.

ens_120312_TS_blessings-500x400.jpg“The love that she shares with her partner is unconditional and speaks to the ideal relationships all of us should strive to have,” he told the House of Deputies on July 10 in Indianapolis. “I often get asked by churchgoers and nonchurchgoers why I am a part of this body. The reason I return is for my sister. I seek to assure that she not only has the same rites as myself but also the same privileges.”

The new rite, “The Witnessing and Blessing of a Lifelong Covenant,” was authorized for use with diocesan episcopal permission beginning Dec. 2, the first Sunday of Advent.

The blessing liturgy is authorized only with the permission of the diocesan bishop, and clergy can decline to preside at a blessing ceremony. Resolution A049 specified that bishops, particularly in dioceses located in civil jurisdictions where same-gender marriages, civil unions or domestic partnerships are legal, could provide a “generous pastoral response” and that bishops could adapt the liturgical materials to meet church members’ needs.

In the months since General Convention approved use of the liturgy, bishops throughout the church have issued pastoral letters outlining the policies for their dioceses. (more here)

From Facebook re: The Rt. Rev. Douglas John Fisher, newly consecrated bishop of the Diocese of Western Massachusetts:

Ordained on Saturday and on Sunday, officiated at his first blessing of a same-sex marriage with Rev Tanya R. Wallace at All Saints Church, South Hadley, MA. The blessing was one of three services that were celebrated in the Diocese on Sunday!

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