Live stream the Pittsburgh Revival Eucharist services with Presiding Bishop Curry Saturday & Sunday

As you read this, the Presiding Bishop, the Most Revd Michael Curry, is in Pittsburgh PA attending the Episcopal Revival announced earlier for that city, The Presiding Bishop’s Pilgrimage for Reconciliation, Healing and Evangelism in Southwestern Pennsylvania. The revival is 3-5 FEB. There are two Eucharists which you can receive as live audio streams by visiting WMCK.FM, with your internet browser. WMCK.FM is an internet radio station with a broadcast studio in St Stephen’s Episcopal Church in McKeesport PA. The Saturday Eucharist is in celebration of Absalom Jones Day. This service will be held at Holy Cross Episcopal Church in Homewood PA. The Eucharist is scheduled for 11:00 am EST.

From the posted information;

Absalom Jones Day Celebration
Saturday, February 4, Holy Cross, Homewood
9:30 a.m. Youth “Breakfast with the Bishops”
11:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist

The youth of our parishes will have some time for fun and conversation with Bishops Curry and McConnell. Then we will join Bishop Curry to celebrate the witness of the Rev. Absalom Jones, the first African-American priest of the Episcopal Church. Bring an unchurched friend to hear the Presiding Bishop’s evangelistic witness!

The Sunday Eucharist is an 11:00 am EST service at St Stephen’s Episcopal Church in McKeesport PA.

From the posted information;

Taking the Jesus Movement to the Mon
Sunday, February 5, 11:00 a.m., St. Stephen’s, McKeesport

We will gather in McKeesport to hear Bishop Curry’s culminating sermon and to show prayerful support at a Eucharist for “The Mon Valley Mission” and begin to live out our commitment to one another as one of the “144” sent from our parishes. Join us in “the Mon” to be filled with the Holy Spirit and strengthened for evangelism in your own community!

We have previously shared information about six TEC revivals scheduled for different dioceses in 2017 & 2018 here and here.

The future revivals are;
May 5 – 7: Diocese of West Missouri
Sept. 23-24: Diocese of Georgia
Nov. 17-19: Diocese of San Joaquin
April 6 – 8, 2018: Diocese of Honduras
July 2018: Joint Evangelism Mission with the Church of England

The Pittsburgh events are also scheduled to be available by live streaming or on demand at TEC Evangelism Initiatives.

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