Logjam breaks: CoE leaders criticize Ghana bishops on anti-gay bill support

Following on the statement by the Archbishop of Canterbury other church leaders in the Church of England have come out in opposition to the draconian anti-gay bill due for consideration by the Ghanaian parliament.

It’s not so clear to this reader that in all cases their opposition to the bill includes criticism of Ghanaian House of Bishops although the Guardian’s headlines its coverage “UK church leaders criticise Ghanaian bishops for support of anti-LGBTQ+ law”.

The Portsmouth Diocese senior staff issued a statement that includes a sharp rebuke of the Ghanaian bishops:

“As a diocese, we have long-standing, formal links with the Anglican Church in Ghana, which we value. However, we are dismayed to hear that the country’s Anglican bishops have thrown their weight behind the ‘Promotion of Proper Human Sexual Rights and Ghanaian Family Values’ Bill.

“We are seeking urgent conversations with our colleagues in Ghana to ask why – not least in the light of the communique signed by all Anglican Primates in 2016, in which they pledged to reject criminal sanctions against members of the LGBT+ community, and to challenge homophobia.”

Several below endorse the Portsmouth statement.

The Guardian’s story includes these tweets:

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