Leaders of GAFCON took their manifesto to England yesterday at a gathering of 750 at All Souls in Central London. Thinking Anglicans, as usual, does a thorough roundup. Riazat Butt provides what is perhaps the most balanced report:
The archbishop of Sydney, Peter Jensen, told the assembly: “Gafcon exists and is on your side. We need mutual support within the Anglican Communion and across it. This is the moment. England, don’t fail us. We are looking to you. We need you to be strong and brave and true. We will help you.”
Earlier, at a press conference, Jensen denied that he and the other archbishops present, Henry Luke Orombi from Uganda and Gregory Venables from the Southern Cone, were in London to woo parishes or to recruit people into their fellowship.
So which is it?
There is also high tension over women bishops in the Church of England. Thinking Anglicans again has the roundup here and (earlier) here.
Addendum: Deborah Orr, atheist, remarks on the meeting and comes out in support of Rowan Williams.