Cathy Grossman at Religion News Service reports that one in three women now claim no religious identity:
Surveys have long shown women lead more active lives of faith than men, and that millennials are less interested than earlier generations. One in three now claim no religious identity.
What may be new is that more women, generation by generation, are moving in the direction of men — away from faith, religious commitment, even away from vaguely spiritual views like “a deep sense of wonder about the universe,” according to some surveys….
Protestant scholar and author Phyllis Tickle, 80, who has observed American spirituality for decades, also cited the changing cultural context of women’s lives. “In evangelical and even in some progressive parts of Christianity, women are getting very mixed signals,” said Tickle. “There is a view that a woman should be subordinate on Sunday, equal to men the five workdays of the week and Saturday is up for grabs. She’s told at home and at church the man is to be the ‘servant leader,’ but then she goes to work where she has to be as tough as the guys to succeed.”
And from a Twitter conversation between some women who have not lost their religion:
Thank God for “Women’s Study Bibles” because if the Gospel didn’t come in pink, I’d never have a chance of understanding it.
rosamundi ن @rosamundi Bibles marketed for women or girls should be required by law to have a picture of a tent peg on the cover.
What would you put on the cover of a Bible to attract women? Or have you lost your religion?
RNS unspiritual graphic by Tiffany McCallen
posted by Ann Fontaine