USA Today notes that our Lutheran companions in ministry will consider the role of LGBTs with spouses who wish to serve as clergy:
The nation’s largest Lutheran denomination will consider lifting its ban on gay and lesbian clergy who are in lifelong, monogamous relationships as it gathers this month for a churchwide meeting.
More than 1,000 delegates will debate church policy Aug. 17-23 at the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America’s (ELCA) biennial General Assembly in Minneapolis.
The question is not whether openly gay and lesbian clergy can be ordained. They already are — as long as they remain celibate. The question is whether they can have committed relationships and still be called to ELCA pulpits. Partnered gay clergy are technically prohibited, though some congregations break the rule without punishment.
The multi-media hub for the ELCA Assembly is here. Check it out. How does it compare to TEC’s?