Odyssey Networks is featuring this video from Thistle Farms on its homepage today. It focuses on the excellent work being done by the Rev. Becca Stevens, an Episcopal priest in Nashville and her staff. The editors write:
Prostitution is a multi-billion dollar business in the United States. Some sources estimate the annual revenue at close to $15 billion. The sex industry and the illegal drug industry, which often live side by side, “tear up women and use them til they throw them out” according to The Rev. Becca Stevens, who founded Nashville, Tennessee’s Magdalene and Thistle Farms. Stevens founded Magdalene, a residential program for women who have survived lives of prostitution, addiction and life on the streets, as a way to recover some of those women, give them a place to heal and prepare for a new life free of the dangers of the street. Magdalene is grounded in Stevens’ belief that unconditional love has the power to heal.