Ben Myers, at the highly recommended Faith and Theology Blog, pointed us to the “Man Church” blog which led him to quote both Karl Barth and Paul’s letter to Galatians as he made the claim that “Man Church = Church Fail’:
Ben Myers at Faith and Theology blog:
A couple of readers have pointed me to this sublime aberration: Man Church. The website describes it as “church the way a man expects it to be done. No singing, short sermon, time to talk with other guys, no women present, and coffee and donuts. That’s the way men want to do church.”
Here is a bit of his quotation of Karl Barth on the subject:
Everything which points in the direction of male or female seclusion, or of religious or secular orders or communities, or of male or female segregation – if it is undertaken in principle and not consciously and temporarily as an emergency measure – is obviously disobedience. (Church Dogmatics III/4, 165)
Does your church have men’s groups, women’s groups?
(Do your clergy participate in single-gender support groups?)
What is your take?
What about separating out the children / youth? Is this also “disobedience”?