As reported by the Anglican Journal:
The Anglican Church of Canada will maintain its traditional definition of marriage after a vote to amend the marriage canon failed to pass at General Synod 2019.
The 42nd General Synod voted against Resolution A052-R2, which would have amended the marriage canon to allow for same-sex marriage, after the resolution failed to pass by a two-thirds majority in all three orders. While two-thirds of the Order of Laity (80.9%) and Order of Clergy (73.2%) voted in favour, less than the required two-thirds (62.2%) voted in favour of the resolution in the Order of Bishops.
An insightful thread from the Bishop of Edmonton:
My dear brothers and sister in Christ
It is early morning in Vancouver and like many of you I have not slept well despite being spiritually and emotionally drained by yesterday’s synod meetings.— Jane Alexander (@bishjane) July 13, 2019