Marriage Equality comes to WI, what will church do?

Fr, Johnathan Grieser, a priest in Wisconsin, has been noting the progress made towards marriage equality on his blog.

He also notes, however, the sad lack of a unified response to the events of this past week, when the US District court struck down the same-sex marriage ban as unconstitutional. He points out that as these bans fell all across the country, it should have become evident that it was going to happen in Wisconsin, and the local church would need to respond. Yet, there was no proactive conversation.

He writes:

As Episcopal clergy and as a church, we have painted ourselves into a very small corner. It’s going to be increasingly difficult for our congregations to claim to be open and welcoming to LGBT Christians when we refuse to extend the sacrament of marriage to them. As clergy, we are no longer going to be able to use the excuse that same sex marriage is forbidden in the state constitution when couples approach us to solemnize their vows. In retrospect, it would have been helpful to have had frank conversations about this in the past months. Instead, we dithered and kept our mouths shut.

Read the full post here.

How about where you are? Is your local church being proactive in advance of the laws changing?

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