A couple of quick notes about things unfolding in the Fort Worth diocese. First, ELO reports on Bp. Iker’s response to a letter from the presiding bishop—or perhaps, more accurately, notes the response and reports on the letter itself, here:
The letter, dated January 9 and received by Iker on January 15, was intended to be a pastoral exchange between the Presiding Bishop and Iker, according to Episcopal Church Public Affairs Officer Neva Rae Fox.
In a short statement posted on the Fort Worth website along with a copy of the letter, Iker termed the letter “a second threatening letter.”
Jefferts Schori wrote that she continues to assert that “individuals may leave” the Episcopal Church “but congregations and dioceses do not.”
She wrote that she believes that “any encouragement of such a belief, or action toward departure, as I believe it to be a violation of the vows we have both repeatedly taken to ‘conform to the doctrine, discipline, and worship of The Episcopal Church.”‘
In that short response from Iker, however, he added that “Fort Worth is in the same position as Pittsburgh” and:
BISHOP STANTON OF DALLAS AND I had a very good meeting yesterday at St. Vincent’s, where we discussed how to make provision for any parishes in this Diocese that may choose to remain in TEC if the Diocesan Convention votes to separate from The Episcopal Church. We were joined by our Canons to the Ordinary, the Presidents of our respective Standing Committees, and the Chancellor of the Diocese of Dallas. You will be hearing more about this in due course.
Food for thought: is this a proposition for a merger, as Father Jake has suggested? Or is a different economy metaphor more appropriate, such as feudal lords swapping vassals?
Iker’s message is here.