Millennials don’t go to church or pray

A new survey by Lifeway Christian Resources reports that most young adults, the “Millennials,” don’t pray, don’t worship and don’t read the Bible according to an article in USAToday :

Even among those in the survey who “believe they will go to heaven because they have accepted Jesus Christ as savior”:

68% did not mention faith, religion or spirituality when asked what was “really important in life.”

50% do not attend church at least weekly.

36% rarely or never read the Bible.

Neither are these young Christians evangelical in the original meaning of the term — eager to share the Gospel. Just 40% say this is their responsibility.

Even so, Rainer is encouraged by the roughly 15% who, he says, appear to be “deeply committed” Christians in study, prayer, worship and action.

Collin Hansen, 29, author of Young, Restless, Reformed, about a thriving minority of traditionalist Christians, agrees. “I’m not going to say these numbers aren’t true and aren’t grim, but they also drive people like me to build new, passionately Christian dynamic churches,” says Hansen, who is studying for the ministry. He sees many in his generation veering to “moralistic therapeutic deism — ‘God wants you to be happy and do good things.’ … I would not call that Christianity, however.

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