Mobile powered advocacy

At General Convention in 2006 the Episcopal Church adopted the Millennium Development Goals as the primary lens through which our corporate mission work would be seen. Over the past five years dioceses and parishes have worked to raise the level of awareness of this program not just within the Episcopal Church, but in the larger American society too. The truth is that even if every single church entity gave .7% of its budget for MDG work, it would still pale in comparison to what we could do as a nation if we decided to act in concert.

But getting people to act in concert means they need to be informed. And to inform people, the advocates need to have ready access to good, convincing information.

The ONE Campaign just released a new application for people with iOS devices to make sure that the need for good information is met:

The ONE app was developed in partnership with and makes it easier than ever to get the very latest news, sign and share petitions to world leaders, call, e-mail or tweet the President or your member of Congress, find and attend local events, and check out the latest Living Proof videos and stories. You can also easily engage and connect with your social network and recruit new people. That’s what truly makes this the ONE app that could change the world.

If you’re interested, you can find more information here.

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