These items aren’t new, but they may be news worthy.
Item 1. From the March 4 minutes of the Ugandan Parliament
THE SPEAKER: Before we go, I have this communication to make. All Members are invited to an executive breakfast meeting seminar on the dangers of homosexuality. The theme is, “Exposing the truth about homosexuality and the homosexual agenda”. The meeting will take place in the Parliament Conference Hall tomorrow Thursday, 5th March starting at 7.30 a.m. to 9.00 a.m.
Guest speakers include Dr Scot Libley [Scott Lively] of the United States, Caleb Lee [Caleb Lee Brundidge] of the United States and Mr Stephen Langa of the Family Life Network. All Members are invited to attend and breakfast will be served.
Item 2. Helping Hand For Homophobia From U.S. Christians
The Anti-Homosexuality Bill under consideration in Uganda was sparked by a conference in Kampala earlier this year at which fundamentalist Christians from the U.S. identified homosexuality as a threat to “family values”.
The speakers were Don Schmierer, a board member at Exodus International; Scott Lively, president of Abiding Truth Ministries and author of a book that equates Nazism and homosexuality; and Caleb Lee Brundidge who works at the International Healing Foundation which ostensibly “cures” homosexuals.
Item 3. Ahmanson sidekick there
On March 15, Exodus International President Alan Chambers and board member Don Schmierer were warned in late February of Langa’s plan to use a March 5-7 conference to launch his vigilante initiative. Chambers and Schmierer proceeded with participation in the conference; Schmierer told Ugandans that homosexuality is due to bad parenting and molestation, and silently affirmed conference leader Langa’s declarations that:
* Uganda’s sentence of life imprisonment for homosexuality is too lenient
* homosexuality is caused by an epidemic of homosexuals who recruit youths through molestation in schools
Schmierer also silently affirmed co-speaker Caleb Lee Brundidge, who advocates “Christian” witchcraft and works for Richard Cohen’s International Healing Foundation.
According to his LinkedIn profile, Schmierer is a program officer for Fieldstead and Company, the fund-raising arm of religious-rightist financier Howard Ahmanson Jr.
For his part, Ahmanson acknowledges he is a donor to Exodus International and, over the past decade, Ahmanson has funded efforts to cause schism in the U.S. Episcopal Church, drawing antigay Anglican congregations into a rebel alliance with the Anglican Church of Uganda.