Remain Episcopal in the Diocese of San Joaquin is sponsoring a “listening tour” and an all day gathering designed to help Episcopalians in their diocese understand the steps ahead as they work to maintain an Episcopal presence in the Diocese, whose bishop and convention voted to secede from the Episcopal Church and become part of the Anglican Province of the Southern Cone.
Remain Episcopal describes the listening tour:
The Rev. Canon Bob Moore, appointed by Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori as an interim pastoral presence in the Diocese of San Joaquin, will make a 5-day “Listening Tour” of the central valley.
From January 21st through the 25th, Canon Bob will travel the valley meeting with both clergy and laity who wish to remain in the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of San Joaquin. At stops in Stockton, Lodi, Fresno, Hanford, Bakersfield, and other towns in between, Canon Bob will listen to the stories, concerns and hopes of the Episcopal faithful in San Joaquin. To assure that your parish, clergy or laity group is included in the Listening Tour, please contact us at
Their website also describes the conference, called “Moving Forward, Welcoming All.”
At the conclusion of the Listening Tour, the Rev. Canon Bob Moore, interim pastoral presence in San Joaquin appointed by Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori, will keynote a day-long gathering at the Church of the Saviour in Hanford on Saturday, January 26th, 2008. Canon Bob will be joined by special guest Bonnie Anderson, President of the House of Deputies of the Episcopal Church. This will be Bonnie’s second visit to San Joaquin following an event in Lodi held in February, 2007. Both Canon Bob and Bonnie will address those gathered and have additional time set aside to take questions.
Attorney Michael O. Glass, who respresents both congregations and individuals within the diocese, will provide pertinent legal information followed by a Q & A session. Remain Episcopal co-founder, Nancy Key, sees the gathering as “an opportunity to tell people in the diocese who do want to stay in the Episcopal Church what are the next steps. It will answer their questions from a pastoral and legal standpoint because they’re hungry for information.”
The title of this event, “Moving Forward, Welcoming All” expresses the desire of the Remain Episcopal membership that their diocese be rebuilt with an inclusive and Christ-centered message of love and alvation, rather than a judgmental attitude that demands schism. We hope many will experience the joy of reconnecting with the national church in a spirit of mutual respect, and the prospect of a renewed mission for Jesus Christ as experienced in and through the Episcopal Church.
The event will be held at Church of the Saviour, a historic parish that has confirmed its commitment to stay within the Episcopal Church. The gathering will be held in the sanctuary – a beautiful red brick building built in 1910 with a memorable stained glass window above the altar. Also on the grounds is the lovely old chapel, dating back to 1883, which was recently restored. It will be a great location. Directions to Church of the Saviour.
The exact schedule for the day-long event on Saturday, January 26th is still being fine tuned. Please check back as additional details will be posted when available. For questions, or to RSVP your reservation, please email
Read the rest here.
Hat tip to Fr. Jake.