Multi-racial United States

From Pew Research:

For much of the nation’s history, America has discussed race in the singular form. But the language of race is changing.

With the rise of interracial couples, combined with a more accepting society, America’s multiracial population has grown at three times the rate of the general population since the beginning of the millennium.

In 2013, 12% of new marriages were interracial, and today very few Americans see this as a bad thing for society. Multiracial Americans are no longer rare in number. They’re front and center in our culture – represented on television, in professional sports, in music and politics, even in the White House.

To catch a glimpse of America’s future, take a look at the stroller set. More than 40 years ago, only one of every 100 babies younger than 1 year old and living with two parents was multiracial. By 2013, it was one-in-ten.  If current trends continue – and evidence suggests they may accelerate – the Census Bureau projects that the multiracial population will triple by 2060.



What do you think this means for anti-racism work? For the church?


posted by Ann Fontaine

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