Music of “The Boss” raises funds for food

The music of Bruce Springsteen will accompany a Eucharist to raise funds for Trinity Episcopal Cathedral’s food bank according to The Oregonian’s

The songs of Bruce Springsteen, known for describing everyday life in religious terms, will accompany a traditional Eucharist, or Communion celebration, at Trinity Cathedral on Saturday.

“Sky of Mercy,” named for a phrase from Springsteen’s song “The Rising,” is the creation of a Trinity committee working on Christian outreach. Pairing contemporary music with traditional liturgies has been done before. “U2charists,” with music from the rock band U2, are common. Trinity’s version in October drew a multigenerational crowd of about 250.

[The Eucharist will] support a cause that organizers say is close to Springsteen’s heart: feeding people in need. The collection taken during the service will benefit Trinity’s food pantry, which served almost 20,000 people last year.

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