On Thursday, 31 MAR 2016, the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby, held a ceremony at Lambeth Palace in London where he awarded a new set of recognitions for service in the Church. These are intended to specifically be for recognition of service of a non-academic nature, to both Christians and members of other faiths. The Lambeth Awards incorporate three existing awards from the ABC and six new awards which are named for former Archbishops of Canterbury. Some of the awards recognize service in areas dear the +Justin’s own ministry goals.
The Archbishop offered two reasons for the awards;
The first reason is that I want people who make outstanding contributions through their engagement with the Church of England and the wider Anglican Communion to know that they are recognised. Of course I know that none of you here today have done what you have done with any thought of public recognition. Nevertheless. I hope you will allow the Church to honour you in this way.
The second reason for giving awards is to point the Church at large and the world at large at examples of lives and actions which embody our beliefs and values. St Francis of Assisi is often quoted as saying, ‘Preach the Gospel always: when necessary, use words.’ Your actions and your lives speak volumes.
The Lambeth Cross for Ecumenism
- His Grace, Bishop Angaelos OBE, General Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Church in the United Kingdom
- His Eminence Archbishop Gregorios of Thyateira and Great Britain
- Canon Simon Stephens OBE RN
The Canterbury Cross for Services to the Church of England
- Mr Peter Beesley
- Dr Philip Giddings
- Dr Sarah Horsman
- Mr Carl Lee
- The Revd Canon Bob Mackintosh
Cross of St Augustine for Services to the Anglican Communion
- Professor Salvatore Bordonali
- The Revd Canon James Callaway
- The Revd Hamdy Daoud
- Bishop Omindo Hilkiah Deya
- Professor Fabiano Di Prima
- Mrs Phyllis Richardson
The Dunstan Award for Prayer and the Religious Life
- Fr Laurent Fabre CCN
- Brother Samuel SSF
The Hubert Walter Award for Reconciliation and Interfaith Cooperation
- Mr Bill Marsh
- Shaykh Ibrahim Mogra
- Sir Andrew Pocock KCMG
- Rabbi Dr David Rosen KSG CBE
- The Revd Martin Turner
The Alphege Award for Evangelism and Witness
- Mrs Chrysogon Bamber
- The Revd John Coles
- The Revd Pamela Cooper
- Deaconess Susan C Essam
- Pastor Agu Irukwu
- Mr Tim Royle
The Lanfranc Award for Education and Scholarship
- Mr David Day
- Miss Maureen Hogarth
- Dr Eeva John
The Langton Award for Community Service
- Canon Sir Tony Baldry
- Bishop Geoffrey Davies
- The Revd Joel Edwards
- The Venerable Duncan Green
- The Venerable Arthur Hawes
- Sir Hector Sants
The Cranmer Award for Worship
- Canon Dr James Lancelot
- Dr Philip Moore
- Mr Matt Redman
- Mr Michael Williams
A pdf of the citations for each award recipient is available.
The original report and the image are from the ABCs website.