New Archbishop installed in Hong Kong

There’s a fine line between being political and working with government to achieve social aims, but the newly installed archbishop of Hong Kong is determined to not cross it:

Paul Kwong, 56, told parishioners that his church will not get involved in political movements, including the call for universal suffrage, but will continue to work with the government to better the lives of the people.

He said societal atmosphere was much happier now, but many problems such as poverty still needed to be addressed.

Solutions, for which the government and society must join hands, will not come quickly, Kwong said.

This from The Standard (Hong Kong), which notes that several government officials attended the ceremony as well as Catholic Cardinal Joseph Zen Ze-kiun. The article also contrasts the relationship of Cardinal Zen and the Catholic church to the government with that of the “more moderate” Anglican church. You can read that here.

The Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui elected Kwong in early February, prior to the launch of the Lead. If you missed it, you can read more about him here.

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