New Director of Communications for Church Center

Episcopal Life Online announces that Anne Rudig, an Episcopalian from the Diocese of Southern Ohio, will become the director of the Episcopal Church’s Office of Communication in January.

Rudig, who has a background in advertising, public relations, branding and art, was chosen by Presiding Bishop Katharine Jefferts Schori after a search committee unanimously put Rudig forward as its final candidate.

“I am most pleased at the energy and creativity that Anne will bring to this work,” Episcopal Church Chief Operating Officer Linda E. Watt said. “I think she will be a catalyst for original thinking and collaborative effort among those who work in the communications field in the church.”

The director of communications is the chief strategist for internal and external communications of the Episcopal Church, and is responsible for the implementation of that strategy. The director supervises a staff of about 15 people at the Church Center in New York City, including those operating Episcopal Books and Resources, Episcopal Life Media, digital communications and public affairs.

Read it all here.

Scott Gunn, on the search committee writes at his blog:

… I served on the search committee for the Director of Communications of the Episcopal Church. Today the announcement has been made: Ms. Anne Rudig has been named as the new director. I was (and am!) delighted to add my voice to those of our committee in recommending her to our Presiding Bishop and our Chief Operating Officer.

Anne brings much experience to the job (you can get a sense of that in the linked article). More important than that, she has a contagious passion for telling the story of who we are as Episcopalians. She is comfortable talking about her faith and sharing what the church — and what Jesus — has done for her and her family. She has a big vision for what our church can be, and she is eager to lead us in as we seek to tell our story to the whole world.

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