New Nigerian Archbishop’s old prejudice

Riazat Butt, writing in The Guardian

I don’t know why I expected the new archbishop of Nigeria to be any different from the old one, not on the subject of sexuality anyway.

When I told a colleague the primate-elect had made strong remarks regarding homosexuality he shrugged his shoulders and replied, “Well, what do you expect? It’s a bit like saying the pope is Catholic.” It was an accurate if glib assessment of the theological leanings of the Anglican Church in Nigeria , which is unlikely to have a liberal at its helm any time soon.

Okoh says there is no such thing as homophobia because gay men are not gay. “Do not be afraid of being called homophobic. It is a term designed to close down any expression of a contrary view. Respond by accusing them of gunaphobia [sic] – an inordinate fear of women and of relationships with women.”

Away from the interminable schism of the Anglican Communion, however, Okoh looks like he could be good news for Nigeria. He devoted a sizeable chunk of his sermon to challenging corruption, urging greater civic participation and government responsibility towards its citizens. It is reassuring to know that here, at least, Okoh recognises there are more pressing issues for the average Nigerian.

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