New Primate for Canada

The Rt. Rev. Frederick James Hiltz of Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island has been elected Primate of Canada.

From his Statement about Primacy:

In the first instance, a Primate has the challenge to be the kind of servant leader for whom the Church prays at the time of election. As servant of the people of God, a Primate’s ministry is to gather the Church, to unite its members in a holy fellowship of truth and love, and to inspire them in the service of Christ’s mission in the world. He/She is called to “boldly proclaim and interpret the Gospel, enlightening the minds and stirring up the conscience of the people.” (The Ordinal, p. 637, BAS) This ministry inevitably involves what someone once described as “pushing the boat out from the shore,” launching out into the deep. It’s about raising sights, broadening horizons. It’s about “drawing the circle wide, drawing it wider still.” It’s about the work of respecting the dignity of every human being, building a just society, and announcing the reign of God.

In the ministries of compassion for those who suffer, of advocacy for those whose voices are not heard, of calling for just resolutions to tension and conflicts among the nations, the Primate is one among many partners – those within the Christian tradition and those of other faith traditions.

More from his statement on Primacy and biographical informationhere

Bishop Hiltz was elected by the church’s General Synod, meeting in Winnipeg, on the 5th ballot, from among four bishops nominated last April by a gathering of all Canadian bishops according to the Anglican News


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